Schiphol Innovation Circle

Goal: Bringing the Schiphol Innovation ecosystem together!
Target group: Anyone working on - or fan of - innovation at Schiphol airport
Format: Meetup to share learnings, case studies, co-create, and of course network & drinks!

22 reacties

Would love to be in the team, thank you for looping us in and putting us in contact!
Hi, I would love to meet, but I will be on a business trip on this day. if there is some flexibility for the date of meeting, may I propose to postpone to the next week? Thanks a lot for the consideration!
Sounds good Vincent, I truly hope for that! Happy to meet for a coffee before or after if you wish, with you and all members of this group!
Would be cool to make this an active SPOT group ! This date is a bit of a problem, but future date's should be good!
Great to hear your enthusiasm! Sounds like an opportunity for more meetups :)
Hi all, to ensure it will be an interactive meetup I want to ask you to bring one of the innovation cases you are working on! This would be nice for the kick-off of our meetup, before we get to more informal networking and drinks. It would be great if some of you have an interesting story to share with a short pitch, supported by photo, video or prototype. Of course we'll make sure we have a Transavia case as well. Please let me know ASAP who's in, so we can start preparations. Thanks & looking forward to meet you!
I'm in with a small innovation from NS
I have to skip this one unfortunately, but I wish you many innovations this afternoon! ;)
I would like to present a case about smart & flexible parking from Schiphol Real Estate
Gezien het mooie weer doen we de drinks in de binnentuin :) Tot vanmiddag!
Hi all, Pressing issues in a 3-day week make me have to skip this one. I would have loved to introduce myself and see what innovation for Schiphol means. I will hopefully join next time.
Hi all, Despite last-minute cancellations & no-shows (please let us know!), we had a good meetup :) People of Schiphol Telematics, Real Estate and Transavia got to know eachother and the first ideas for collaboration and knowledge share are already there! Exactly what this meetup is meant for. Cases of SPL Real Estate and Transavia were presented and discussed. After that we continued networking & drinks in our garden. Since the feedback was really positive, I'd like to bring the Schiphol Innovation Circle forward and start a SPOT Group, with the aim to make it more recurrent and get more people & different companies joining. Best, Vincent